March 18, 2020

Dear SWCEC Students, Families, and Staff,

We are in the midst of an unprecedented experience in our education, lives, and careers. Our thanks to all members of the SWCEC community for being supportive of each other and our families. We know that we are closed until April 6th by order of the Governor. We know our last day of school is Monday June 22nd as mandated by DESE which is our 185th scheduled day of school. We know that if all of us do our best to self-quarantine and minimize exposure to each other, otherwise known as social distancing, we can reduce the impact of the coronavirus and insure that we can return to normal life sooner than later.

Our students and families will be receiving information regarding accessing equitable learning opportunities while we are closed. These enrichments have no due date, will not be collected, and will not be graded. They are simply meant to provide optional learning activities so our students can maintain their skills and stay engaged in their education. If there are any questions, please contact our Elementary Principal, Ms. Kristine Hersey, our Middle/High School Principal, Mr. Jeff Croteau or our Director of Special Education, Mr. Arnold Lundwall. Anyone may contact any teacher or administrator by email by simply using: first initial last name We are here to support each other and to minimize the stress we all feel over the unknowns around COVID-19.

The two most accurate websites that provide updated information and resources are: and: These are trusted websites and are constantly updated. We also will keep everyone aware of any changes that may happen due to the reduction or severity of the spread of COVID-19. For now, please stay healthy and safe and contact us with any questions.



Allen Himmelberger

Interim Executive Director SWCEC